I remember that the WTS over more than 60 years has condemned the former branch officer in Germany BALZEREIT as someone who has falsified Rutherfords letter to Mr. Hitler, the chancellor of the German Reich.
For that Rutherford excommunicated BALZEREIT. And after WW2, the dead of Rutherford, also the President Knorr confirmed the excommunication.
BALZEREIT got the image of an arrogant ass. Everybody witnessed worse things about him.
IN a 1998 Awake (Theme Holocaust) BALZEREIT by WTS was declared not guilty.
But who in 1998 knew BALZEREIT? Who got the experience with all that mud which was thrown against him. Like Goebbels the nazi propaganda minister they did it - throwing mud because a little always keeps on hanging.
Today we know that all accusations were wrong. Interesting is, that this fact is stated from people who were not present in the past.
So we see - WTS has good experience in shaping approaches, in forming utterances. they are like fishes. You cant hold them in hand.
but the fisher yet knows to get them. I hope there are many fishers.
JR Brown is more victim than Prosecutor. What does he have when he leaves bethel? I guess nothing. So he sings the song of those who feed him.
I miss an upstanding by WTS and a public declaration that they OFTEN made things wrong. And they should name them. But I guess before that Africa would become Antarctica.
Humility must only be present by the low one. Ivory towers dont need that adjective, don't they?